

This privacy notice explains how we use provide privacy while visiting our website and to demonstrate our firm commitment to Internet privacy. Gichae' Couture may modify this policy from time to time so we encourage you to view this page for any updates when revisiting this website.


Applicable law in certain countries requires us to set out in this Privacy Statement the legal basis upon which we rely in order to process personal data.

Consent: We may rely on the consent that you provide us at the point of data collection or disclosure to us to process such data for the purposes outlined herein.

Legitimate interests: We may rely on our legitimate interests to process your personal data, provided that our interests are not overridden by your interests, fundamental rights, or freedoms. In particular, we may process your personal data in reliance on a legitimate interest in the effective and lawful operation of this Site and our campaign, as well as the effective delivery of information and services to you. We may have other legitimate interests and, if so, we will make clear what those interests are at the relevant point in time.

Compliance with legal obligations: We may process your personal data if necessary for us to comply with a legal obligation arising under an applicable law to which we are subject.

To the extent that we process any “special” or “sensitive” categories of personal data relating to you, we will do so because either: (i) you have given us your explicit consent to carry out such processing; (ii) the processing is necessary for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims; or (iii) you have made the data manifestly public.


This Site uses cookies (i.e., small text files placed on your device) and similar technologies (e.g., pixels and pixel tags, ad tags, clear GIFs, and Javascript) – including cookies and technologies from third-party providers – to enable certain features and functionality and to collect additional information that helps us to improve this Site and our services. This Site may use session cookies (which expire when you close your browser) and persistent cookies (which remain on your device after you close your browser until you delete them or they expire). We use these technologies for security purposes, to help you navigate this Site, to display information more effectively, to better serve you with tailored information on this Site, and to gather statistical information about how visitors use this Site in order to continually improve its design and functions.

If you do not want data to be collected from your device via cookies, most browsers have a setting that allows you to decline the use of cookies. Some features of this Site may not work properly if you decline the use of cookies.

To learn more about cookies, please visit:


If we change our Privacy Policy, we will post those changes immediately on our website so that you will always know what information we gather, how we might use that information, and whether we will disclose it to anyone. Gichae' Couture reserves the right to change our Privacy Policy at any time without notice.